
The Life Cycle of Junk Mail

July 21, 2017

You pull in the driveway after a long day at work. Hands full with bags of groceries, you grab the mail and make your way into the house. Flip through the envelopes, the bills, the magazines, toss aside anything that doesn’t look immediately important, and move on with your life. But every now and then,…


Taking it Easy with Ad Messaging

June 15, 2017

“I’m standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona and such a fine sight to see – it’s a girl, my lord, in a flatbed Ford, slowing down to take a look at me.” I’ve never been a big fan of the Eagles, but that line from their 1972 hit “Take it Easy” recently made me…


How to Efficiently Media Buy on TV

May 22, 2017

There are many questions we’re asked when placing a media buy for a client. One of the most frequent questions is… How do you measure success on a media buy? One major way we measure the success of a media buy is through the cost per point (CPP) – a ratio based on how much…


4 Steps to Successfully Respond to Negative Online Reviews

April 21, 2017

Any good business owner wants to learn from their customers in order to grow their business. That’s why they ask people for honest feedback… like when a manager at a restaurant asks you how your meal was. Or, when a technician asks you to fill out a review form at the end of a service…


5 Things to Know Before Jumping into Pay-Per-Click

March 21, 2017

1) Your Audience Your audience is the most important factor when starting PPC (pay-per-click). They are the one actively searching and buying your product or service, so it’s best to know how to target them. Targeting users can include sites they would frequently visit, where they are located geographically and general demographics, to name just…